Labour and Employment Law

The art of balance

It has been said that law affects and conditions all things. This is particularly true in labour relations and employment matters.

Through their work experience and academic training, our seasoned professionals have mastered how best to manage human resources issues, and the laws that govern. In today’s economy this strength is doubly important and enhances our integrated approach, immersing ourselves, as we do, in our clients’ culture and day to day life. This winning agenda allows us to understand our client’s reality from their perspective, in order to further their interests and better defend their rights.

At LawLead, we strive to synergise with our clients and their personnel. Through such a privileged relationship we can guide management in achieving productive employee relations, while protecting the company’s rights and interests.

Lawlead is particularly active in the area of labour and employment law. Our attorneys are fully versed in the intricacies of the laws and regulations governing human resources, and are just as much at ease in the board rooms of the largest companies as on the shop floor or on a construction site.

The services we provide may be broadly categorized as: –
Labour litigation;

  • Drafting agreements and contracts of employment;
  • Advice on the labour implications of acquisitions and mergers;
  • Advice on retrenchment and rationalization;
  • Advice on alternative means of dispute resolution, including mediation and arbitration, and the formulation of strategies in respect of strikes, lock-outs and other forms of industrial action;
  • Advice on unfair labour practices;
  • Advise on statutorily based employment conditions and minimum standards.

It’s all about balance!