Corporate and Business Law

The art of building

LawLead Advocates, know that its clients are committed to creating thriving and enduring business organizations. To succeed, they require accurate information, judicious forward-thinking counsel and quick and effective solutions that fuse innovation with pragmatism. In essence, they require impact.

Lawlead, thrives on aligning itself to those very goals to meet its clients’ needs. The corporate law practice group makes available to its clients a dynamic team that utilizes core competencies, solid legal knowledge and business experience. It influences its clients’ businesses in precise, constructive, and innovative ways. Amicus strives to provide leadership, value-added service and impeccable judgment because it recognizes that, at the end of the day, what is important to its clients is what in fact gets done.

The principal legislation providing for corporate and commercial law in Tanzania includes the Companies Act, and the Capital Markets and Securities Act. Whereas the Companies Act provides for the incorporation of both private and public companies, the Capital Markets and Securities Act provides for the establishment of a Capital Markets and Securities Authority for the purposes of promoting and facilitating the development of an orderly, fair and efficient capital market and securities industry in Tanzania.

Areas of specialisation include: –
• Formation of companies, corporations and partnerships;
• Formation and use of business trusts;
• Provision of investment advice as per the Tanzania Investment Act;
• Public Listing of Companies;
• Privatization;
• Advice on the structuring of transactions;
• Joint Ventures and management contracts;
• Land Law, Conveyancing and Mortgage profiling;
• Immigration;
• Broadcasting and Transmission Rights;
• Bankruptcy, Composition and Arrangements;
• Arbitration and Mediation.

Let’s work together to build your success.