Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice

The art of persuasion

Increasingly, our business world gives rise to circumstances that might lead to litigation. Often, the first impulse is to be aggressive or radically defensive, but not every dispute is ripe for a legal battle.

With our independence, diversity of experience and know-how, we can help you to establish expeditiously the best course of action. Since we are business people as well, we understand your concerns. Prior to embarking on litigation, whether as plaintiff or as defendant, it is vital that you clearly understand the risks and implications on your human, material and financial resources, so that you can make a well-informed decision.

Whether a cost/benefits analysis results in mediation, legal action or defence, you will be backed by a team of trusted experts that, over the years, has won pivotal cases. If a trial becomes unavoidable, you will be supported by professionals who will plead your case energetically and passionately while respecting the procedural and ethical rules governing the dispute.

So, who would you choose as your ally when you take on an opponent or stand before a judge?